by OpenCountry | Oct 11, 2023 | Open Country News
We’re increasingly aware that disabled people want the same ability to access ‘Bluespace’ (or ‘water‘, as we used to call it!) as anyone else. This might, for example, be the ability to access canal boats, have ramped access to wild swimming opportunities or to enjoy...
by OpenCountry | Aug 2, 2023 | Open Country News
With thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund’s Know Your Neighbourhood scheme, Open Country have been able to start a new satellite project from Wakefield in Barnsley district. The two-year funding has allowed us to recruit Bob Mawson, our new...
by OpenCountry | Apr 24, 2023 | Open Country News
New opportunities for Barnsley’s folk! Thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund “Know Your Neighbourhood”, Open Country are excited to be able to launch a new outreach project in Barnsley! To help us organise and run a range of...
by OpenCountry | Apr 14, 2023 | Open Country News
We are pleased to be launching a new Tandem Club and Walking Group for people with disabilities in the Selby District! The new groups are launching in April and we are keen to hear from you if would like to get involved either as a volunteer or a disabled member. Open...
by OpenCountry | Feb 27, 2023 | Open Country News
Our ‘Nature Connections’ Allotment Group starts up again this week and we are excited to get growing after a brief rest over the winter! The project, funded by Hey Smile Foundation, supports positive mental and physical wellbeing, and is part of a test and...
by OpenCountry | Oct 31, 2022 | Open Country News
Hello and a warm welcome to the very first Wild Things blog, where we will share updates from our Wakefield Wild Things group and wildlife updates throughout the year. We have been busy sowing wildflower seeds. You may be wondering why we would sow seeds just before...
by OpenCountry | May 17, 2022 | Open Country News
After a very successful pilot project, we are very grateful to gain National Lottery Community Fund backing to continue and grow our ‘Wild about Wakefield’ work. We will be using the three-year Lottery funding, totalling almost £300,000, to help...
by OpenCountry | Mar 10, 2022 | Open Country News
We’re on the look out for new Trustees to lead our dynamic charity at an exciting time in its development. Engaging, strategic, interested in the outdoors? If you recognise yourself in this description then our new Trustee roles might be for you. Please...
by OpenCountry | Mar 4, 2022 | Open Country News
Thanks to funding from the NHS Together Fund, together with our partners at the Wakefield Recovery & Wellbeing College and Vibe Fitness, we have been able to deliver a range of fun, group fitness sessions over Zoom since October 2021. These weekly classes have...
by OpenCountry | Feb 3, 2022 | Open Country News
We are thrilled to be launching the latest in our series of ‘Breakfree’ packs, this time sharing inspiration and information on great places to walk and cycle across the Leeds city region. The brand new packs are free to download on our website here...
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