Our Impact
DonateWith around 400 disabled members benefiting from our services, helped by 170 volunteers, we know that what we do makes a difference. But don’t just take our word for it!
On this page, you can read some of our ‘Voices of Open Country’ – members, their families and carers, our volunteers, trustees and even staff, share why Open Country is important to them and the positive impact which we have on people and our environment.
Or take a look at our latest ‘Impact Report’ to see how we’ve been doing.

We currently have hubs in Harrogate and Wakefield, and activities running in Barnsley, Ripon, Selby, Wetherby and York. In 2025 we will be setting up a new hub in Teesside.
Our year in numbers…
Tree saplings planted
Outdoor activities held
Conservation tasks completed
New Breakfree packs compiled
New audio walks recorded
Voices of Open Country…
Keen cyclist Ian has been volunteering with our Harrogate Tandem Club for five years.
He found out about Open Country when we approached his company Skinny Designs Ltd for some work.
As he had recently bought a tandem, his interest was piqued and, as he puts it: “Tuesday evenings have never been the same since!”
Ian added: “I get a real feeling that I’m doing something genuinely useful, while taking part in an activity I really enjoy.
“I love the social aspect, I’ve made some great friends and I have learned a lot – including all the lyrics to Sweet Caroline…”
Memorable moments for Ian during his time volunteering include when the Open Country tandem team made a surprise appearance at his 50th birthday party, playing bird bingo in the pub and a ride through the Blackpool Illuminations.
Roy relies on a motorised wheelchair to get out and about, following a stroke.
He regularly joins our Easy Walking Group in Harrogate.
He said: “Open Country gets me out from the same four walls because I am limited in what I can do by myself. It definitely benefits me to be outside and meet new people.”
Jules, who is 58, lost her sight almost nine years ago and has been a member of Open Country since then.
“I love being outside, but it’s one of the biggest hurdles for me, since losing my sight – especially as I no longer have a guide dog.
“When I’m with Open Country, it takes all the stress and hassle away and I can just relax and enjoy a day out.
“I have had so many amazing experiences – tandem riding, kayaking, paddleboarding, sailing, weekend residentials…. I also enjoy the weekly zoom spin classes. In fact, I do more things now than when I could see!
“Open Country gives me a much-needed sense of freedom and actually, it’s given me confidence to do stuff by myself, such as going swimming.
“The staff and volunteers are all lovely and it is all so inclusive and supportive.
“It sounds dramatic, but I couldn’t live without Open Country. They have given me some of my very best memories, as well as a sense of achievement and pride. I love it all, it really enriches my life.”
MacKenzie is 28 and has been a member of Open Country for more than two years. She attends three sessions a week at our Wakefield Hub, taking part in the Trailblazers conservation group, our walking group and Wild Things activities. She also enjoys tandems and weekend adventures too.
She said: “I really enjoy getting out and meeting other people. I like being part of the trailblazers (conservation work parties) because we do work which helps other people too, like clearing paths for people in wheelchairs.
“I think I have enjoyed every single walk I have been on with Open Country. It’s nice to get out and take my mind off things that that are worrying me or make me feel sad.”
“I like planting trees and wild flowers, pond dipping and learning new things about nature.”
“Finding out about Open Country has introduced a whole new world to me and has also helped me to be more accepting of and open about my own disability rather than hiding behind it. It has been inspiring to be around other visually impaired people with whom I can share experiences.
I have always found being out in the countryside really relaxing and soothing. However difficult a week I may have had, I always forget my worries whilst taking in the magic of nature.”
Jonty, who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident aged 22, joined our board of trustees around two years ago. Jonty was looking for a charity to support through being part of the first disabled relay team to swim the North Channel.
He said: “I’m proud to be a trustee of Open Country. The charity demonstrated that you can actively participate and get hand-on in the countryside, no matter what your disability is, whether that’s tandem-riding, walking, swimming, conservation work or even bungee jumping and parachuting!
“I personally love being outdoors and I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t.
“I think Lockdown made us all appreciate how important getting outside is for people. And with the conservation work we do, do, clearing pathways, we actually help make the countryside more accessible for everyone.
“Open Country is one of Harrogate’s best-kept secrets – I would love more people to help spread the word. It would be great to have more support from the wider business community to help us raise funds.
“What we do is good – it makes a difference and it makes people happy.”
John, aged 24, used to love tandem cycling with his dad until an accident meant his dad was no longer able to go out with him.
He joined Open Country two and a half years ago and it has made a huge difference to his life. Here he shares his experiences:
“I love cycling and getting out into the great outdoors, and having fun. I feel free!
“I really enjoy meeting so many people to talk to and having a good conversation and we also go to the pub afterwards. I really look forward to feeling independent and getting out of the house.”
John’s mum Aileen said: “John loves coming out with Open Country – he gets very excited and focused and comes home afterwards very animated. John being able to get out and cycle again has been a really positive thing for us all.”
Sandra, from Harrogate, has Multiple Sclerosis and has been a member of Open Country for around 20 years, going on as many accessible outings as she can.
Here, she shares why Open Country is such an important part of her life.
“I just love being outside in the countryside and Open Country helps me to access different places and scenery. When I first joined Open Country, my life was very limited. It’s a horrible feeling, being stuck in the house and very frustrating.
“If I couldn’t come out with Open Country, my life would be really boring to say the least. I would feel truly isolated. Even though I have a car now, I can only use it a couple of times a month when there is someone to drive me.
“My favourite outings with Open Country are when we go to the seaside – I love being by the water. I really enjoy meeting everyone. . .Open Country is like being part of a big family and a very important part of my life.”
Get In Touch
Community House, 46 East Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5LT
Harrogate Hub: 01423 507227
Teesside Hub: 07848 257814
Wakefield Hub: 07426 716677
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Registered Charity No: 1107331 Company No: 5155859
© 2017 - 2025. Open Country. All rights reserved.