As part of Open Country’s mission to enable people with disabilities to access and enjoy the countryside the charity organises daily activities including five popular tandem clubs. The front riders are volunteers and the back riders (stokers) are members.  

 John, aged 24, used to love tandem cycling with his dad until an accident meant his dad was no longer able to go out with him. 

He joined Open Country two and a half years ago and it has made a huge difference to his life. Here he shares his experiences:

“I love cycling and getting out into the great outdoors, and having fun. I feel free! 

“I really enjoy meeting so many people to talk to and having a good conversation and we also go to the pub afterwards. I really look forward to feeling independent and getting out of the house.” 

John’s mum Aileen said: “John loves coming out with Open Country – he gets very excited and focused and comes home afterwards very animated. John being able to get out and cycle again has been a really positive thing for us all.” 

John, who is a member of Open Country’s York tandem club and walking group is pictured on the left of the image, on one of the charity’s  outings.

 For more information on Open Country’s activities for people with disabilities, go here

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